Cybersecurity News Scraper

I wanted a more efficient method of recieving news related to cybersecurity.

Screenshot 1


Using Python, this program uses the Beautiful Soup Python Library to web scrape news from three news sources, "Krebs on Security," "The Hacker News," and "Dark Reading" The tool fetches the top five most recent articles from each source and displays them in a scrollable Tkinter window. These news sources can be changed. However, each news source has different formatting and will require changes to the scraper.

Technologies Used

  • Beautiful Soup: Python Library used to pull data out of HTML and XML files.
  • Tkinter: The tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard Python interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. Both Tk and tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, including macOS, as well as on Windows systems.


Clone the Repo

git clone
cd Cybersecurity-News-Web-Scraper

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


Once you have installed the dependencies, you are ready to use the scraper! Open up a terminal and run the following commmands. This will run the program and open the display window for the news.


What I learned

This was my first project using Python. While I have a background in Java, I wanted to expand my knowledge of coding while staying in the realm of cybersecurity. This project taught me the basics of Python, Beautiful Soup, Tkinter, and how to install Python dependencies. I utilized my internet resources during this project such as online tutorials from youtube and provided documentation on GitHub for the libraries and packages.